
Hello, Ola, Ciao! I am Animesh Agarwal, a technologist, currently associated with GlobalLogic as a Technical Architect. I hail from the city of Nawabs and Kababs (speaking out loud, I am a food-o-phile), Lucknow, India. In my leisure time, I can be found either exploring some new tech, device, listening/creating music or strolling out with my camera.

I strongly believe that we learn better, when we share. Therefore, this initiative is an effort in the direction of sharing my learnings and ever-evolving playground with the larger community. With this, I am looking forward to explore new tech and perhaps collaborate to develop better solutions.

My journey so far…

I started my career with Java (read .NET, hope you got the irony) for developing background services and desktop apps and then transitioned into web and cloud in the recent past. I have been fortunate to have worked in software on multiple domains including power distribution, Scada, virtual construction, image processing, exam and document management, waste management, background verification, real-estate, oil and gas to name a few.

In my general work day, I can be seen working on solutions for the software components, PoCs for driving decisions, framework development for teams to extend, (re)structuring and optimizing code. So, you would majorly find me talking about C#, .NET, algorithms, patterns, coding guidelines, etc.

StackOverflow profile for animat089


There are 2 facets to the logo, one textual and the other typographical. The textual representation is an ‘A’ balancing out the inverted ‘A’ on top it, representing my name and depicting the balance between skill, art, time-management that we need to muster with set boundaries to out-perform at our day to day work. The typographical take on the same, apart from representing the name if the initiative also showcases the infinity symbol in between the two A’s representing multiple ways to solve a problem and also the limitless scope of learning and exploring that one can do.